Save Time, Save Money

With development continuing apace, there has never been a better time to start using QNRWP-A. Time is money, and this update brings a couple of nifty features that will save you time and maybe even money.

To make getting started with the theme easier, the new Setup tool enables the automated creation of usual pages including Home, News, About, etc., and the setting of essential preferences.

Another new tool relates to the Gutenberg editor in WordPress that has proven itself very useful, obviating the need for a page builder. It started as a plugin, which still exists and obtains features before they make it into WordPress core. A most important recent addition is the versatile Group block, a <DIV> for any purpose. QNRWP-A now offers a growing collection of reusable blocks built with Groups and other blocks, using Quicknr Interface CSS for responsive designs. Five blocks are available for import, with more on the way.

News posts on the News page could previously be presented only as a list of excerpts, a sensible solution when the posts feature fairly large images. A new setting enables posts to be presented in full on the News page, which might be preferred if you publish short items without large images.

WordPress 5 brought a new feature for handling of technical problems, alerting the webmaster by email. This may not be always desirable, so there is now a filter in the QNRWP-A child theme to turn the emailing off. An additional new filter enables the toggling of debugging mode: when on, errors will display on the page.

Last but not least, optional support of namespaced Bootstrap 4.3.1 is offered. Bootstrap was compiled with the “bootstrap431” namespacing class and errors manually corrected. There is an issue with interactive Bootstrap features such as modals that may not work because Bootstrap applies classes to the BODY tag, bypassing your namespacing container. A filter on HTML and BODY tags allows the namespacing class to be placed there. Other workarounds also exist.

